
Precious people

I think people around me are very important for me. Others let me know who I am.
I often tend to be go-it-alone, but if I talk with someone about my problem, I can know other way of thinking, and I can awake from go-it-alone mentality. Thanks to the people around me, I can see myself in a calm manner.
I have been supported by many people since I was born, so I want to cherish my precious people, my family and friends. If they are in trouble, I want to do anything I can do for them.

3 件のコメント:

JH さんのコメント...

I agree that we should treasure the people around us.

kanage さんのコメント...

Hi! Pizza♪This is Kanage. Thanks you for your comment.
I want to cherish my precious people, too. I think that it seems to be simple, but perhaps it is difficult. But I want to do that!!
See you next class.(‘▽‘)ノ

kiki さんのコメント...

Hi Pizza,
I agree that we need people around us. They make our life colorful(´u`)